Even before the Child Placement Agency license was granted, we knew that having a private agency without an accompanying child-caring institution was unprecedented.
However, we saw a clear need to complement the government and private agencies’ existing efforts by speeding up the rate at which waiting children could be matched with forever families. Late 2022, our license was granted. In the first quarter of 2023, we began to process adoption applications.
We are so grateful to all of our families who trusted us in their adoption journeys. Because of you, RACCO NCR has recognized Generations—Home as the child placing agency with:
The most number of prospective adoptive parents presented to the regional child placement committee (RCPC) matching conference in CY 2023–2024
The most number of prospective adoptive parents matched in the RCPC matching conference (RMC) & interregional matching conference (IRM) in CY 2023–2024
The most number of filed petitions in CY 2023–2024
This would not be possible without the leadership of our director of adoption and foster care services, Jossell Malonzo. Her team was also awarded:
Best New Social Worker Award, Leticia Acupan
Best Adoption Social Worker, Jossell Malonzo
Numbers never tell the whole picture, but we hope they affirm our commitment to the families we walk with and the children waiting for their forever homes. This is a drop in the ocean of the orphan crisis; but we won’t stop until every child has a family.