What is a Child Placement Agency?
A Child Placement Agency (CPA) facilitates adoptions and foster placements.
Generations—Home is a private non-profit institution with a license to operate as a Child Placement Agency in the National Capital Region of the Philippines. This license gives us the opportunity to receive and process applications from potential parents who want to build their families through adoption or foster care.
What’s the difference between adoption and foster care?
Adoption is a socio-legal process of providing a permanent family to a child whose parents have voluntary or involuntary relinquished parental authority over the child.
Foster care is the temporary placement of a child that needs special protection with a family while waiting for reintegration with their biological family, or placement with an adoptive family.
How to adopt through Generations—Home
Attend our Adoption Forum
Attend an Adoption Orientation with your social worker
Prepare documentary requirements
Submit requirements to Generations—Home
Be interviewed by a Generations—Home social worker
Wait for your documents to be processed by Generations—Home
Personal Appearance to RACCO NCR
Notice of approval / disapproval of application
Wait to be match with a child by RACCO NCR or NACC
Bring your adopted child home
Supervised Trial Custody for 6 months
Petition for Adoption
Issuance of Order of Adoption
Filing of your child's new birth certificate
How to foster through Generations—Home
Attend a Foster Care Orientation with your social worker
Prepare documentary requirements
Submit requirements to Generations—Home
Be interviewed by a Generations—Home social worker
Wait for your documents to be processed by Generations—Home
Get your foster care license
Be matched with your foster child
Bring your foster child into your home
Live with your foster child with love and care, until a permanent placement for him/her is available
Our cost recovery fee for regular adoption cases are an estimated Php 60,500. For special adoption cases—which include relative adoptions, step parent adoptions, and independent placements—it is an estimated Php 50,000.
To give all the information you need to make the best decision for your family, we are including here some notes about fees.
1. Our total fees are part of the cost recovery program overseen by the National Authority for Child Care (NACC), to ensure that Child Placement Agencies are empowered to operate efficiently. At the same time, they have capped the fees each agency can charge as a way of standardizing costs to families across the board. Any additional fees for specific considerations requested by the adopting or fostering family are decided between the family and Generations—Home.
2. The cost recovery program of Generations—Home currently covers 60% of the operational fees needed to efficiently process your case. Generous donations allow us to cover the remaining 40% of your fees. If you would like to pay it forward and support another family's adoption journey, please feel free to reach out to us for this.
3. At Generations—Home, we have divided our invoicing and payments into two. The first payment term covers the signing of the service agreement and collection and submission of related documents. The second payment is collected after approval as a Prospective Adoptive Parent by the NACC. Those fees cover the entirety of your adoption journey, even the post-matching processes.