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Un-adoptable children?
It is the painful current reality that in children’s homes there are children who are least considered or not considered at all for adoption
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Calvin Houser
Aug 22, 2023
The Foundations of Fatherhood
Recently my eight year old son asked me, “Daddy, how much money will you spend for me on my birthday?” It was an innocent question—fueled...

Markin Lim
Jul 25, 2023
From Adoptee to Advocate: Nina’s Story
Adoptee Nina is a passionate advocate for adoption in the Philippines, demonstrating the power of family in fighting myths and stigma.

Michael Dominic Yan
Jul 19, 2023
Stronger Generations: Equipping Parents through Trauma-Informed Care
This Stronger Generations event equipped prospective adoptive parents with trust-based relational intervention principles for childcare.

Jun 5, 2023
My Awaited Child - A Poem By A Waiting Mother
A waiting mother's poem to the adoptive child she and her husband are lovingly waiting for.

May 29, 2023
Journey To Our Awaited Child
A future adoptive mom waiting to be matched with her and her husband's adoptive child muses on their journey so far.

Do you have an adoption story?
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